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How to Get Your Business ready for Remote Working During the Coronavirus
20 Mar 2020

How to Get Your Business ready for Remote Working During the Coronavirus


How to Get Your Business ready for Remote Working During the Coronavirus

20 Mar 2020

We’re entering strange new territory.
Schools are closing, workers are self-isolating – and some unfortunate companies are already reeling from a massive drop in demand.
And if you’re running a small business that’s not used to remote working, you might suddenly need to make fast plans to prepare.

So we’ve put together some remote-working tips to help you get your teams ready for a new arrangement – from the essential free apps you need to stay in touch, to the right kind of mindset that can help your workers dig in for the long haul.
Let’s start with an easy one:

Set some expectations (from both sides!)

If you’ve never had to run your business remotely, there’s bound to be a little early confusion.
So to fight this off at an early stage, have an honest and open discussion with your team about what everyone should expect.

That could mean talking about:
• Which parts of their jobs can realistically be done from home
• When (and how) your teams should expect updates from you
• How (and how often) you’ll be holding team meetings
• And whether your staff need to be constantly available – or just during certain peak times.
Just remember that expectations come from both sides. So the sooner you start listening to your staff, the sooner you can set them up with a smooth and productive working arrangement.


Give them some practice time with their new apps

These days, working from home has never been easier. And even if you’re starting out completely unprepared, you can easily get access to some top-notch free communication apps, such as:
• And Workplace by Facebook.
All of these apps are intuitive and easy to use. But that doesn’t mean your teams should leap straight into using them on important calls on the first try.
So once you’ve decided on an app for your team, start up a casual internal meeting or video conference and let people iron out the kinks in a safe setting.
As a bonus, this first meeting could be the perfect time to have an open discussion about your remote-working expectations!

Keep them happy and healthy

To some people, working from home sounds like a dream come true.
But in the long-term, it comes with its own problems – and it’s important to let your teams know how to look after their physical and mental wellbeing.

Apps like Moment Screen time or Break Timer can help your teams to remember to take proper breaks. And you can even dedicate different areas within your collaboration software for socialising and relaxing – like an ongoing video conference where people can drop in and out to chat and stay in touch with their colleagues.
But as well as giving your teams information and encouragement, there’s one more easy way you can help to keep your teams happy, healthy, and fully productive:

Show some flexibility (and respect their boundaries)

These are unusual times.
Schools might be closed, shops and public services might be reduced or shut off entirely – and that means a huge disruption to the everyday lives of your staff.
They might need to run essential errands or shop at peculiar times. And they might suddenly be stuck with unexpected childcare duties.

So if you want to get the best results from your staff over a long period of remote working, you should do what you can to make their lives more manageable.
You wouldn’t call an employee at 9pm in normal circumstances (we hope!).

You wouldn’t spend the whole day checking in on them, either. You wouldn’t expect someone to work past 5pm unless it was an emergency – and you wouldn’t expect them to work through their lunch break every day.

So if you ever get frustrated that your teams aren’t working perfectly, just remember this:
You’re lucky enough to have a business where remote working is an option.
And if you can give your staff the right tools and the right frame of mind, you’ll be able to keep them happy and productive for as long as it takes to get things back to normal.

Good luck and stay safe!

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We’re entering strange new territory.
Schools are closing, workers are self-isolating – and some unfortunate companies are already reeling from a massive drop in demand.
And if you’re running a small business that’s not used to remote working, you might suddenly need to make fast plans to prepare.

So we’ve put together some remote-working tips to help you get your teams ready for a new arrangement – from the essential free apps you need to stay in touch, to the right kind of mindset that can help your workers dig in for the long haul.
Let’s start with an easy one:

Set some expectations (from both sides!)

If you’ve never had to run your business remotely, there’s bound to be a little early confusion.
So to fight this off at an early stage, have an honest and open discussion with your team about what everyone should expect.

That could mean talking about:
• Which parts of their jobs can realistically be done from home
• When (and how) your teams should expect updates from you
• How (and how often) you’ll be holding team meetings
• And whether your staff need to be constantly available – or just during certain peak times.
Just remember that expectations come from both sides. So the sooner you start listening to your staff, the sooner you can set them up with a smooth and productive working arrangement.


Give them some practice time with their new apps

These days, working from home has never been easier. And even if you’re starting out completely unprepared, you can easily get access to some top-notch free communication apps, such as:
• And Workplace by Facebook.
All of these apps are intuitive and easy to use. But that doesn’t mean your teams should leap straight into using them on important calls on the first try.
So once you’ve decided on an app for your team, start up a casual internal meeting or video conference and let people iron out the kinks in a safe setting.
As a bonus, this first meeting could be the perfect time to have an open discussion about your remote-working expectations!

Keep them happy and healthy

To some people, working from home sounds like a dream come true.
But in the long-term, it comes with its own problems – and it’s important to let your teams know how to look after their physical and mental wellbeing.

Apps like Moment Screen time or Break Timer can help your teams to remember to take proper breaks. And you can even dedicate different areas within your collaboration software for socialising and relaxing – like an ongoing video conference where people can drop in and out to chat and stay in touch with their colleagues.
But as well as giving your teams information and encouragement, there’s one more easy way you can help to keep your teams happy, healthy, and fully productive:

Show some flexibility (and respect their boundaries)

These are unusual times.
Schools might be closed, shops and public services might be reduced or shut off entirely – and that means a huge disruption to the everyday lives of your staff.
They might need to run essential errands or shop at peculiar times. And they might suddenly be stuck with unexpected childcare duties.

So if you want to get the best results from your staff over a long period of remote working, you should do what you can to make their lives more manageable.
You wouldn’t call an employee at 9pm in normal circumstances (we hope!).

You wouldn’t spend the whole day checking in on them, either. You wouldn’t expect someone to work past 5pm unless it was an emergency – and you wouldn’t expect them to work through their lunch break every day.

So if you ever get frustrated that your teams aren’t working perfectly, just remember this:
You’re lucky enough to have a business where remote working is an option.
And if you can give your staff the right tools and the right frame of mind, you’ll be able to keep them happy and productive for as long as it takes to get things back to normal.

Good luck and stay safe!

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