⛄️ Last Orders Friday Dec 20th at 12noon. We will be closed Monday Dec 23rd - Re-open Thursday Jan 2nd 2025 🎅

⛄️ Last Orders Friday Dec 20th at 12noon. We will be closed Monday Dec 23rd - Re-open Thursday Jan 2nd 2025 🎅

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 FREE DELIVERY on everything


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FREE Artwork File Check


White Label Packaging


Vinyl Floor Stickers


Guide your customers or staff to the safest routes your office or store with our specially printed Social Distancing Vinyl Floor Stickers. For hard floors or carpets, you'll help everyone to stay safe.


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products and materials we offer


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Vinyl Floor Stickers

Choose your delivery speed
Products will vary depending on your selection

150mic polymeric PVC film
300m Dia Circle
100 - £263.00

Turnaround: 2-3 Day Delivery

Subtotal: £263.00

vat: £52.60

Total: £315.60
inc. Free Delivery



Free Blank Artwork Templates

Create your artwork using the correct print
'bleed area' & 'safe zones' to ensure
your files are perfect for print


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Vinyl Floor Stickers

Here’s how to make sure that your customers abide by the social distancing recommendations

Take the guesswork out of your customers' routes with the handy markings and directions they need to help them find what they want to buy.

Our Non-Slip Vinyl Floor Stickers can give your customers:

  • A friendly welcome at the door to your store reminding them about social distancing
  • Helpful arrows or footprints to take your shoppers to the right departments
  • Unmissable special offers or seasonal discounts
  • Or important health and safety messages.

Get more eyes on your slow-moving products

Unless you've got the perfect store layout, there are always some areas in your business that don't get much attention.

With our extra-large Vinyl Floor Stickers, you can give your slow-moving products a boost by drawing your customers directly to them.

Our bright and bold stickers come in a range of shapes and sizes, including:

  • Circular Stickers with a diameter of 300mm
  • Circular Stickers with a diameter of 1000mm
  • Rectangular Stickers at 1000mm x 500mm
  • Or 500mm x 500mm Square Stickers.

Our brains are trained to watch where we're walking. So make the most of your customers' instincts by putting your promotions right in front of them!

Help out your customers with a safe and structured queue

Space is vital in any retail environment. So to give your customers the best experience, our stickers can help you create a virtual space to keep your queues neat and tidy.

That could mean:

  • Marking the front of the queue to give your shoppers their privacy at the till
  • Positioning the queue with a set of footprints – so it doesn't block the people still browsing
  • Or promoting some last-minute special offers to catch the people who missed them!

Ready to start using an untapped space?

Give your customers the helpful guidance and important information they need to have the best possible experience in your store.

Try our long-lasting, non-slip Vinyl Floor Stickers in your business – and put your promotions in a place they can't be missed!
